Human beings all have the same skeleton, composed of 206 bones, but we all have different skins, applied over this skeleton. The same logic is applied for building a website. We have basic Components like Headings, Links, Paragraphs, Spaces, Tables and more complex Components such as Contacts, Products or News. These are the website’s bones. Every web bone can have its own web Skin.


Example: If you want to add ten identical Components, you don’t need to write the same thing ten times. You simply create a Skin and apply it to the Component and when you have to use this Component just select the Skin and your Component will look and behave like you have defined it in your Skin.
For example we may want to add a page in the website that displays the newest Products. Simply create a skin for the ‘ProductDisplay’ Component and format it as you like once and you can use it everywhere in the site where you need to show the newest Products.

You can do this for every Component that is ‘skinnable’.

The Skin can become very complex, but you only need to write it once.