Products in webshop can have variants.  Product Variants are when there is an option to choose for the product – size, color, etc. A product can have one type of variant, let say color, or several type of variants – color and size for example. You can also set up the overview to show products with variants split into multiple items.


Creating Product Variants

Creating Product Variant objects is the same like creating a Product. The extra step that you have to make is to add Product Variant component to Product object. You have to right click on Product that will be with variants and choose Add To -> Product Variant.




You can create as many variants as you want.


The most used properties for Product Variant objects are the following ones:

  • Price - price for the product variant
  • Teaser text - short sentence describing the product variant
  • Product code - this is a unique identifier for the product variant
  • Image - this is the general product variant image. If no image is provided it will use the main product image.




There are also other properties like Description, Unit, Instock, etc. but we are not going to check them in details.

This is how the product variant looks on a webshop products page:




For more examples with Product Variants you can check our demo webshop.